Your reliable logistics partner

Years of Experience
0 +

About Us

Over 29 Years of Reliable Logistics Solutions

PT. KEY MARITIM LOGISTIK is a company engaged in logistics services for the delivery of export and import goods.

Established in 2020, PT. KEY MARITIM LOGISTIK has an extensive network and experienced professional staff that have a reliable capabilities in providing the best service for all of your logistics needs, both land, sea and air transportation.

With management who is very experienced in the field of logistics and supported by very supportive logistics facilities and corporate agency networks almost all over the world, our company will provide the best service and provide satisfaction to every customer.

Our Company In Number

Offices & Logistic Facilities
1, 0
Countries Worldwide
0 +
Professional Workers
0 +

Experience Across Various Industry Sectors

Working in a different industry? We’ve successfully managed logistics for numerous sectors and probably have experience with your products.
Reach out today for tailored solutions for your business.







Food and Beverage


Plastics and Rubber



Trusted by more than 1000 companies